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Our Special Package: Let’s plan a Coffee

To Elevate your Business.

The construction industry is ripe for transformation. To be more efficient and safer we need to add cutting-edge technology to our construction projects. But how? That’s what we are here for. At Smart Hoist we’re not just offering software; we’re offering a touch of practical software features with and without Artificial Intelligence.

1. Online Hoist booking System

Share the link with your subcontractors – they book their slot

Ping! You get a WhatsApp message for the green light

The hoist operator gets his to do right on time on their display

They know the drill and sort out the transport hassle-free

You’ve got all your incoming lorries booking time slots, but what about delivering the materials to the right floor? Sure, you could ask the hoist operator to wait with the hoist, but can you count on them to be there every time? Let’s face it, they might slip up, causing some serious logistic bottlenecks. Getting your construction site logistics in line is all about strategic planning and utilizing vertical transportation. That’s where our Hoist Booking System kicks in and adds some real value.

2. Smart Hoist System on the Indoor Lift

Indoor lifts get a fair share of action in construction, whether it’s for finishing up works at the end or usage during a full refurbishment project. The catch, though, is that these indoor lifts are easy to damage which can rack up some major costs. Especially on the expensive control panel or the call buttons. That’s where the Smart Hoist hardware and software features step in – slashing the odds of damaging those pricey indoor lifts. It’s a double win – making your construction site both safer and more efficient. Now, that’s what we call a big win-win!

3. Customize PPE Alerts

Is the hoist partly within the green route, or are you looking to enhance safety adherence? Let’s brainstorm together. We’ve successfully implemented enhancements like safety trivia, identification of worker entrance and exit floors, and safety videos on displays. Reach out, and let’s collaborate on safety innovation.

4. power consumption reports

Sustainability is a big deal, especially when it comes to the Considerable Contractor Audit, where power consumption is under the microscope. Hoists, well, they’re not exactly lightweights when it comes to power usage. How much exactly, you ask? No one else seems to have a straight answer, but guess what? We do! Brace yourself for a monthly power consumption report, straight from us.

5. Reports to Real Estate Developer or Local Council

We often get questions from local city councils or real-estate developers and investors to get access to these Smart Hoist reports. Why? They use them to play with payment structures. For example, as the contractor, can wave the proof that a floor is fully done – it’s locked in the system, and you get an automatic heads-up if someone enters in via the hoist. 

6. Tracking Materials to Prevent Theft and Wrongful Installation

Picture this: the wrong prefab bathroom built into the wrong apartment. Or kitchen hardware showing up on the wrong floor. Maybe even some wine coolers getting stolen. We have heard all these examples. All of these translate into unnecessary high-value costs. But fear not! We’re here to prevent this from happening, by giving you real-time alerts when materials make an unauthorized entrance or exit via the hoist. How, you ask? Magic? No, just good AI-detection. Intrigued? Reach out!

Are you ready to Elevate Your Construction Site?

Improve Worker Productivity

Avoid Logistic Bottlenecks

Prevent Safety Incidents